







Sponsorships in Detail

Financial Sponsorship

means providing financial support for one of our projects or to one or more members of our international ballet community. See the benefits and the levels that best suit your perspectives to support us!

In-Kind Sponsorship 
Location Partnership

Having a suitable location for a ballet performance or event means being creative with collaborative places that embrace excellence.

Merchandise Sponsorship

There is a no better opportunity to give visibility to your branded items (with your logo) than through the grace of ballet dancers! Customize your offers, and let us boost your brand brilliance with style & elegance.

Food Sponsorship

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” (Hippocrates)

Media Sponsors

Think good. Talk well. Do good.

Media sponsors associate yourselves with beauty and truth!   

Improve your brand popularity by associating it with the ballet movement grace & excellence. There is not so much choice in the world! Watch, enjoy, reflect, talk, write, publish, and share our events on social media!

Promotional Partners

We embrace and cherish the creativity of each individual. If you are  a well-known social media influencer with a devoted online audience, and you are sharing our values,  feel welcome to contact us. 

“Qui se ressemble s´assemble.”