Rules and Regulations Competition

EBGP Competition 2025 welcomes students and dancers aged 7-27 from all around the world. 

The EBGP Competition takes place in one round in the categories: of classical dance, and/or contemporary/freestyle. The best participants will be able to perform in the EBGP Charity Awards Gala. The jury will choose the dancers to perform at the EBGP Charity Awards Gala.

By subscribing to the EBGP competition, all participants accept the official rules and regulations of the EBGP.


With the Registration form, the participants agree to transfer with no extra charge to the organization of the EBGP: Renaissdance Association with the Central Registry Number of Associations: 479994785, the audio, photo, and video material produced during the workshops and competition, starting on February 4th and ending on February 7th, 2025.

It includes photos and videos, as well as transferable and, in every respect, unlimited use rights and as often as desired. It also has media (e.g., television broadcasts, online, on-demand – services) and other interactive uses. “Renaissdance Association” reserves the right to transfer the usage rights to third parties in part or whole.


Participants care for their health insurance by themselves; EBGP and RenaissDance Association do not overtake any responsibility; Participants will perform at their own risk and will not make any claim against EBGP or the association Renaissance in case of injury. Adults (parents or teachers) have to take responsibility for the behavior or damage provoked by children under 18 years old.

All participants accept the rules and regulations of EBGP!

Online – Registration at the Inscription Portal:

A maximum of three pieces are allowed to be registered for the competitor in each category. The performance pieces are a free choice.

Registration on EBGP portal:  

The inscription portal will be open on October 1st, 2024, and close by December  31st, 2024.  

EBGP reserves the right to restrict the number of participants before December 31st, 2024. Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. EBGP reserves the right to decline registrations.

EBGP participants will compete in one round that will take place on February 4-7, 2025. The 7th of February is reserved for the Charity Awards Gala performance.
The workshop venue will be announced later. The competition venue is Das MuTh Konzertsaal (Am Augartenspitz 1, 1020 Vienna).


Classical Solo, Contemporary/Free Style Solo, Classical Pas de Deux (Adagio and Coda), Classical Duo, Contemporary/Free Style Duo, Classical Small Group, Contemporary/Free Style Small Group, Classical Big Group, and Contemporary/Free Style Big Group. 

Age Category and Age Restriction:

To fit the participant’s age in the proper category correctly in 2025, please check the information below:

                     ° Minis: 7-9 years old 

                     ° Kids: 10-12 years old 

                     ° Teens: 13-15 years old 

                     ° Juniors: 16-18 years old 

                     ° Seniors: 19-27 years old 

Only participants from the Junior and Senior categories are allowed in the Classical Pas de Deux category. 

The correct age registration for the participants in the group pieces – Classical Pas de Deux (Adagio and Coda), Classical Duo, Contemporary/Free Style Duo, Classical Small Group, Contemporary/Free Style Small Group, Classical Big Group, and Contemporary/Free Style Big Group – is defined by the age of the eldest participant of the group.

Repertoire Choice

The classical, contemporary, and free-style dance repertoire is the free choice of every participant (or their teachers). We highly recommend choosing a dance piece with age-appropriate choreography. Participants/their teachers are responsible for all their choreography and music copyrights.

* Neo-classical works belong to the Classical category.

* Classical Pas de deux must include Adagio and Coda.

EBGP is not responsible for inaccurate information submitted in the online registration form.


The registration fee is € 120.- for each participant and is non-refundable.

Competition fees:      

                           ° Classical/Contemporary/Free-Style Solo Performance: € 100

                           ° Classical Pas de Deux Performance: € 180

                           ° Classical/Contemporary/Free-Style Duo Performance: € 150

                           ° Small Group Performance, 3-5 dancers: € 250

                           ° Big Group Performance, 6+ dancers: € 400

Participation fee for the Workshops: € 35.- per unit (90 Min.)

Money transfer fee for participants outside the European Monetary Union: + € 16.-

It is the participant’s responsibility to transfer the correct amount according to this list.

Registrations can be approved by EBGP and confirmed by email after the complete payment has been received. 

Competition Entrance Fee:

(For watching the entire competition, to be able to go in and out anytime, not valid for Charity Awards Gala)

                               Entrance for all participants is free of charge

                               Children: 4-10 years free of charge

                               Juniors: 11-15 years €10.- per day

                               Seniors: 16 years and older €25.- per day

Competitors can watch the whole competition without extra charge by showing their participant ID card.

Audience Day Passes, and Backstage Passes are not valid to watch the “Charity Awards Gala.” Tickets for this Gala must be bought separately at the MuTh Theater Box Office.

Payment conditions:

Signed-in dancers and dances will be confirmed by EBGP after the total amount of payment has arrived in the bank account of the RenaissDance Association.

The payment should be addressed to:

Renaissdance Association 

Bank Austria

IBAN: AT75 12000 51516011384   


for the purpose: EBGP Competition 2025 / [Competitor´s name]

All citizens of the European Monetary Union have to send the whole amount as an “Inner European Money Transfer” to reduce bank charges. Otherwise, your inscription can not be accepted. Due to the bank charges, all the participants from overseas (e.g., Japan, outside the EU) have to add € 16 to each money transfer.

• Group payment:

To have €16 bank charges per school, we advise teachers to make the money transfer for their participating students simultaneously.

In this case, mailing a list containing each participant’s name, titles of dance pieces, and types of categories to is compulsory.

Time Limits:

Solos: max. 2:30 

Classical Pas de deux (Adagio, Coda: original length)

Duo: max. 3:30

Small Group: max. 4:00 min

Big Group: max. 4:30 min

Scoring and Evaluation:

The scoring system is based on a 100-point system and includes points for each participant’s artistry, technical skills, and potential. The total score for the participant is the average of all the judges´ scores.

Dancers participating in the following categories will be evaluated as a group and scored as performance: Classical Pas de deux, Duo, Small Group, and Big Group. 

The jury vote takes place simultaneously and can not be negotiated.

The winners will be announced at the end of each day of competition.  The ranking of the participants in each category will be available online by the end of the competition. 

Eligibility for the EBGP Prizes

The best participants in each category will receive prizes. If one participant competes with more pieces in one category, the piece with the best scoring will be eligible for an award. 


The size of the stage is 12 x 12,5 m


No props are allowed.


All the competitors will use the same light setting throughout the competition. 

Stage rehearsals

The competitors will have an open stage rehearsal for at least 15 min. 


Participants / their teachers are responsible for all their music copyright negotiations.

All music has to be submitted by email in an MP3 format to latest on January 25th, 2025. After this deadline, a processing fee of 50€ will be charged.

The Name of the Participant(s) and ID number should be in the subject line of each email.

ID Nr, Title of Piece, Category, Age Group, Classical or Contemporary Dance, Running Time, and “Music or Pose” need to be informed in the text.

Each participant and/or representative must keep a backup CD or a USB available. Participants must notify the sound technician or EBGP backstage manager of any irregularities in the music (pauses, sudden volume changes, etc.) in advance.


Refunds are only issued in case of illness or injury confirmed by two doctors’ certificates before the 1st of February, 2025. In this case, 50% of the total paid fee will be refunded.


During the competition, teachers/coaches cannot give instructions or signs to their students/participants from the edge of the stage.

Time management

Teachers / Coaches are responsible for that participants are ready for the stage entrance 45 minutes in advance.


The schedule of the workshops will be published on the EBGP homepage. Payment for workshops has to be done in advance. (Limited number of places!) Interested participants transfer the money together with the inscription payment. Parents and teachers are not permitted to observe the workshops.

Participation fee for the Workshops: € 35.- per unit (90 Min.)

The places per class are limited for maximum benefit on the first-sign, first-served.

The check-in for the competition will be open starting February 4, 2025, and will be open till February 6, 2025, at the MuTH Theater.  The check-in for the workshops will take place at the venues of the workshops.

Renaissdance does not take any responsibility for losing valuables and personal belongings! No food and soft drinks are allowed in the studios, and smoking and alcohol are prohibited throughout the building.

Backstage Passes:

All the participants are allowed to enter the “Backstage Area” the “Dressing Room Area” and the “Auditorium Area” by showing their ID Pass. They do not need a Backstage Pass. All ID Passes for the competitors will be handed out at the check-in.

Backstage Passes to accompany participants will be issued for the teachers or parents as follows:

1-3 participants of one school – 1 Backstage Pass for free

4-10 participants of one school – 2 Backstage Passes for free

11-20 participants of one school – 3  Backstage Passes for free

21-30 participants of one school – 4 Backstage Passes for free

Backstage Passes allow the teacher, parent, or person accompanying the participant to access the backstage area and changing room, starting 90 minutes before the participant´s category competition time and ending 30 minutes later. 

For all other members who accompany the competitors, and would like to watch the competition but are not entitled to have a Backstage Pass, there will be Day Pass (tickets) available at the Box Office of MuTh Theater.


The winners will be announced at the end of each competition day. The winners will receive a certificate.

The prizes and scholarships that can be won at EBGP 2025 will be listed here.

Please be aware that changes may occur!